What is live wallpaper ?
Live wallpaper is a type of digital wallpaper that adds an extra layer of interactivity and animation to the traditional static wallpaper. It is designed to bring life to a smartphone or computer screen, making it more engaging and visually appealing.
How can I download the live wallpaper ?
Every post of live wallpaper has a download link in the post.
The download link is not working, can you help ?
The download link should be working if you can clicked in without error.
We suggest you to watch this tutorial to find out how exactly to download link.
I have downloaded it, but how should I use it ?
You can watch this tutorial starting from timestamp 1:54
I cannot find the character I want, could you make it for me ?
We have animator partner. You are also welcome to contact our partner for commission.
Please visit this link about it. → Commission
Can I use the content ?
All the live wallpaper are free to use but limited to private use only.